Sunday, June 15, 2014

What's Playing Now: 06/16/14

It's still sort of tough to get some gaming in, but I am finding some time with some games.  It's hard to go wrong with a Mario game in terms of gameplay and pure fun and NSMB U is no exception.  Tight controls and interesting levels make for a very fun time.  Dustforce is a mellow and relaxing experience.  Deceptively simple gameplay and a relaxing soundtrack keeps you trying to get you best time on each level.  Ultra Street Fighter IV is simply the best fighting game currently available.  The five new characters interesting and fun to play and the re-balancing  changes to the rest of the cast for the most part make sense.

  • NSMB U - Wii U
  • Dustforce - 360
  • Ultra Street Fighter IV - 360

E3 Wrap Up and Thoughts

Well E3 2014 has come and gone, I can't say it was as eventful as last years but I believe there was definitely a bit to see on all of the major platforms.  Below are some of the titles shown that I'm looking forward to this year and the next.

Crackdown - The original Crackdown was one of the first games I played on the Xbox 360.  I didn't expect much from the game, but ended up having a blast with it.  The second game wasn't any where near as enjoyable, but the new game announced at E3 seems to be a return to form for the series.

Cuphead - I don't believe much was said about Cuphead during the Microsoft press event and I don't believe that much is actually known about the game.  However, I'm a sucker for a great 2D game and the art direction looks like a lot of fun as well.  I'll be keeping an eye out for this game.

Mighty No.9 - An excellent looking title from Keiji Inafune, the father of Mega man, this Kickstarter founded game is looking like a lot of fun.  If Mighty No.9 is anything at all like the Mega Man games I'm sure Mighty No.9 will be a winner.

Ori and the Blind Forest - Another unexpected title from Microsoft, Ori and the Blind Forest is a beautiful looking Metroidvania title.  I actually think the game is reminiscent of 2012's Summer of Arcade excellent Dust: An Elysian Tail.  It is games like these that are slowly changing my opinion of the Xbox One.

Inside - The next game from Playdead, the developers of the dark puzzler Limbo, is looking interesting.  I'm expecting more brutal puzzles and likely even more ways to meet your end.

Forza Horizon 2 -  I can't say I was a big fan of the original title, but the sequel is looking very good and like a lot of fun.  I am especially interested in the huge clubs you'll be able to put together with your friends.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection - I am not a fan of the FPS genre, but I make an exception for  the Halo games.  An interesting story, excellent score, and solid gameplay keeps me playing these games.  Placing all of the current titles into a remastered HD package is an excellent move by Microsoft to keep Halo fans happy until Halo 5: Guardians arrives.

Scalebound - With games like The Wonderful 101, Vanquish, MadWorld, and Bayonetta under their belts it is very difficult to go wrong with a title from Platinum Games.  Scalebound is Platinum's first Xbox One title and based on their track record I expect challenging but fun experience.

Assassin's Creed Unity -  I'm a fan of the Assassin's Creed series and Unity is looking very solid and the addition of four players in the story mode certainly looks interesting.  Word is that the free running system has been tweaked and that this will mark the return to stealth for the series, all good things if you ask me.

Bloodborne - A new title from From Software, not much is known about this game.  It doesn't seem to be a successor to Demon Soul, but still looks quite interesting.  Hopefully more will be known about this game soon.

Unchartered 4: A Thief's End - The fourth title in the excellent Unchartered series, although no gameplay was shown the games have gotten better with each subsequent release.  I fully expect A Thief's End to keep that trend going, I also think it will definitely move PS4s once it is released.

Grim Fandango Remastered -  I missed the original Grim Fandango, but having heard nothing but excellent things about this classic I very surprised and geeked by this announcement.  Games like Grim Fandango just aren't made anymore, I am certainly looking forward to this release.

Pier Solar and the Great Architects - A RPG inspired by classic 16-bit role playing games?  Sign me up, this game has been a long time coming and it's nice that it's finally getting closer to a release.  I am expecting a nice trip down memory lane with this one.

Bayonetta 2 -  A followup to one of the best action games released during the last generation, Bayonetta 2 is looking excellent.  The icing on the cake is that Platinum has also included the original Bayonetta in this package.  There simply isn't anything here not to like here.

Hyrule Warriors -  An interesting Zelda and Dynasty Warriors mashup, this game looks like a lot of fun.  If you are a fan of the Dynasty Warrior series and Zelda this game is worth looking at and an interesting way to get your Hyrule fix until the new Zelda arrives in 2015.

Xenoblade Chronicles X - A followup up to one of the best RPGs released on the Wii, many have waiting for more information about this game.  Although no plot details were given, it's nice to see that the game will arrive in 2015 and is still looking very solid.

Mario Maker - An unexpected announcement from Nintendo, Mario Maker looks like quite a bit of fun.  Free reign to design your own Mario levels and even switch between the original and NSMB graphics style, I'm sure this one will go over well in my house.  Hopefully you'll be able to share the levels you design.

The Legend of Zelda Wii U - This is the game many were waiting for Nintendo to finally show and I have to say that Nintendo did not disappoint.  All that is known so far is that this new Zelda will have an open world and will arrive sometime in 2015.  The trailer also shows off the new cell shaded look and some action between Link and a new enemy.  If this lives up to expectations I believe that the new Zelda will move Wii Us.